Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Canine Chronicle Ad, October 2010

Nacho and His Buddy Ezra

Since arriving back home after the National Specialty...Nacho's "company" has definitely been enjoyed by all...well, almost all.

Nacho has been good buddies with our cat, Ezra since puppyhood...or so he thinks. But Nacho usually gets a little too close for comfort, Ezra thinks. Now at almost 2 years, Nacho continues on waiting... and waiting, for them to be friends.

Here is a little video I pieced together with footage taken over a span of three weeks. Please make sure your speakers are turned up :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nacho at the National

I had such high expectations for my first ABA National ever. However, it ended up being one of the absolute worst weeks of my life. But, when one door closes God opens another one. A better one. And I've taken my horrible experiences from that week and embraced them as learning experiences. Above is his crate name tag made by the very talented photographer, Joanne Pearsall of Lucky Dog photography, and below is one of the photos that she took of Nacho and his Mama. One of the very few highlights of my week.

Another highlight was Nacho's very exciting Award of Merit win under Judge Billy Brittle.

Some other win shots to share...