Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nacho....Man's Best Friend on the Today Show!

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The old saying, "Everything you see on TV is a facade" couldn't be more true.

Nacho's half sister, Micah was featured in the June edition of GQ magazine. Nacho was going to be the one photographed but couldn't make it as he was away showing in MD. I sensed her slight skepticism at first, as she tried to jump up on me a few times, which she hardly ever does. But once she lied by my feet for a while, she made sense of her surroundings, and became more relaxed. I've attached a couple of photos from that fun day.

When the assistant editor of the magazine asked for one of my Bullmastiffs to be featured on the Today Show (segment being the same nature of the magazine article), I thought it would be great exposure for Nacho, being one of the top dogs in the country. We drove 4 hours to pick him up at his handler's house, and trekked to Rockefeller Center, leaving at 5:30am to what I hoped would be an excellent opportunity to educate the general public on my beloved breed, with my tremendous ambassador. Making our way to the green room, Nacho was a STAR attraction...compliment after compliment. And Nacho reciprocated with flopping over on his back, asking for belly rubs.

Before I knew it he was whisked away with his male model/"handler" and I was told to wait downstairs. Afterwords I was told by the Today Show crew that Nacho was the "comic relief" of the whole segment and that he was hysterical. I thought, oh perfect...people get to see Nacho in his true nature: Goofy, sweet, confident, alert, etc. For those of you who really know Nacho, know he is a BIG Lover with a bulletproof temperament.

Well, after watching today, I'm appalled. The clever, educational magazine feature was turned into a mockery...all Kathy and Hoda did was make fun of the dogs. Regarding the Brussels, Kathy stated, "Bon Bon looks like a little old man...Bon bon's a sad little creature." How rude! I don't think Bon Bon's owner appreciated having her dog called a "sad creature", nor did I appreciate them stating, "Nacho is not too smart." On the contrary, Nacho was the only dog who was aware of his surroundings. The minute he walked into the "closet sized" studio, the camera moved into him, and he immediately noticed "another Bullmastiff" looking back at him from the monitor. Maybe if Nacho had a few minutes to sniff around and become acclimated, he would've become more sure of his new surroundings.

And Kathy and Hoda laughed in hysterics, calling Nacho "scared" as he headed for the door (WITHOUT his tail between his legs), and came back into the room, again, tail relaxed. I was told the two of them "love dogs"....doesn't sound like either of them know A THING about dogs or doggie body language. A very disappointing outcome. Thanks for listening to my experiences.

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